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“AITA (Am I the Asshole) for Saying Hi to My Friend?”

Am I the AH? I (zombie, 20) was just walking, minding my own business, when I saw my friend, (human, 19) walking to class, and I may have ran towards them. I remember that I was excited and happy to see them, because I hadn’t in a few days. As I ran towards them, however, they screamed and ran towards a building, stopping me with a door. I asked them why later over text, and they were really upset with me. They said "my visage was horrific," and "you scared the Evans Soup out of me." I was just really excited to see them, but I guess me shouting "I want to devour your brains," and "slow down, my limb just fell off," and my eye popping out and rolling down the hill towards Alston could have been misinterpreted, AITA?

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